Thursday, March 31, 2011


Last night was the first night since being here that I actually slept well. We finally figured out that if we had the A/C on and the windows open, it didn't freeze us out or fry us up. Yes, it seems a little wasteful, but everyone said it was ok.

First up for the day was training the Dominican Staff. We went to the offices and started with going a little deeper with the Strengths Finder assessments that the staff took when the first team came through 2 weeks ago on their way to Haiti. We discussed the 4 quadrents and how they could lead with these strengths. It was actually a great learning experience for me as well and I'm surprised at how much I knew about the strengths just from being immersed in it at Flood.

After the break out sessions we went over diplayed thinking and the DR staff seemed to really enjoy using it to brain storm their office retreat. After lunch we came back to find that Ben and the new DR ILB Director were using it for the ILB (I Love Baseball) program. We were informed that the second group that we were going to work with in the afternoon actually had participated in the morning session, so we didn't need to do it again. We took the opportunity to go out and get supplies for our thank you to the DR staff.

Vicky staied behind to work with Ben and ended up getting to sit in on a meeting between ILB and the Mayor of Barahona. The rest of us piled in the van and went with our interpreters: Juanchi, Rambo, and Ramone to the market. Our cook for the week, Manuela, came with us and acted as our "jefe". We went to several different markets, struggled to find buttermilk, and found the biggest carrots I've ever seen!

When we came back, Manuela made mac & cheese at Holly's request. I just wish I could find my video camera because as it was served Holly did something that I can only describe as "The mac & cheese jig". Quite amusing. It was de-lish if I may say so myself. After dinner we prepped the food that we would be using tomorrow. The kitchen was full of people skinning carrots, chopping fruit, mixing cakes, adding spices to meat, and joking around with Manuela.

Vicky did the devotions tonight and out of that incredible futuristic mind of hers, put together a list of 7 active steps to reach your goals and how to think big about them. It was very impactful for all of us.

Derek, Caitlin and I went for a late night swim and Ben joined us for a little bit then Travis finally got in the pool for the first time since we've been here. We all ended up having a very long discussion. Talking more than swimming. It was a good discussion about community, relationships, healing, and (of course) strengths.

Alright mes amigos, I am going to bed. Buenas noches.

It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.-- Psalm 18:32-34

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